- ![]() ![]() Blog Archive May 24, 2003 Hello!! I was looking at all my old sites and came across this one! I sure did put a lot of work into it! I'm glad that people still come here even though the last update I had was a full year ago! Wow!! well, I'm happy to announce I've moved on to better things. I've made a new website Ash's Bubble I think it's much nicer and I made my own layout! I have adobe photoshop now and I can make all sorts of stuff!! I'm currently obsessed with Lord of the Rings hehe :) Please visit and sign the guestbok there. I hope you've enjoyed your time at this site, although my new one has much more to offer ;-) I won't update this page again, so sorry for any broken images, they will stay, I'm busy with my new site now ;) Have a good stay! ~*Ashley*~ May 18 2002- Hey y'all! I won't be updating for about 3 weeks because I am moving and I don't know when I'll get the internet swapped to my new house. I gtg pack now, bye!! May 17- Just ignore the dates in this box. I've been updating quite a bit, but I never remember to write it here. sorry!! Well Today I updated some on my Site Fights spirit page. I found out that my dance teacher won 't be coming back next year! :o( I hope we will still have a dance club. I've put that subpage of my website on hold for now. You can still view what I've been working on here. Well, I gtg. I'll try to update this box soon!! April 23- Hey! I haven't been able to do much for this site in about a week. I've been working on a subpage/website. Our school won't allow us to have a dance club(see My Goal in this page)so I've decided to do something about it. I'm making this website so the principal can see how dedicated I am to dance and our school. All the links aren't up yet, but some are. I meed to do some more research and post it up there. Go see how I'm doing and tell me what I should fix please! You can see it HERE! I'm stil in the Grande Finale for TSF, please vote for me by clicking on the banner below. Thanks a lot! love, Ashley April 8- Hi everyone!!! Thanks so much for voting for me!!! I was moved up the the grand finale' of Guenivere and Lancelot's Forest!!! YAY!!!! I am so happy!! My teammates are throwing me a party!!! Go see my guestbook on my Site Fights page and you will see! Isn't that so sweet!! Eileen requested it. ::hugs:: You can visit her site here. Thankies!! :o) I hope you enjoy your stay at my site and have a bubbly time!! April 4- Hi!! Ok, I've just about given up on updating this box! lol! Do you like my new entrance page? If you haven't seen it, you can go here to see it. I love that painting!! :o) Thanks again for TSF support!! I won the spirit award for Tuesday!! I am so happy! I'll probably be staying in the Semi Finals in my team through next week. I'll be wanting more supporters, so just e-mail me!! You don't even have to be in TSF. I'll vote for anything you are in everyday, if you will vote once a day for me!! Sounds great right? Like I said earlier, just e-mail me!! Show your spirit in the Site Fights(If you r in them) and have a great day!! Mar 23- I added the English help thing 2 days ago, but didn't write it here. Oh well. I moved on to the semi ring for next week! Yay! Please vote for me! The link is below! I joined the Open Door Topsite list also. You can vote for me Here!Thanks a lot. I hope the AP English thing will be help for some of you! If you would like to donate an essay of yours, please e-mail me! I have the no right-click on, so it won't be copied. A good essay can inspire people and give them ideas for their own. I will soon be including good essay writing tips. I got this subpage idea b/c I realized that I could never find a good topic to write about on my essays. I had to search the web so much to find a hint of a good topic. So, I decided to start the subpage. I gtg now, bye!! Mar 18- Arg! I'm so mad that I haven't been updating this at all! I've been working a lot on the Site Fights. By the way, there is a link below to the voting page. (hint hint...) I updated the Top ten and a few little things. I finished that stupid essay(Thank God!!) and I think it's pretty good. I decided I'll start a page with refrences that I use and maybe my papers, so that people who need help may be helped. The link will be http://ahsleysbubble789.tripod.com/english.html but I'm in the process of making it, so it's not up yet! Isaw Ice Age 2 times this past weekend! It's SO funny!! It was cute! I loved Sid and Scrat the most!! Sid is hilarious!! I think I might make a subpage for it. What do you think? I'd love to VE with you, just leave your info in the guestbook. Preferably the one on my spirit page. I gtg now, so bye :o) Mar 13- Yay so far I'm doing good in TSF!! I'm so happy!! It takes SO much work though!! I've had a bubble made for me, and you can see it on my spirit page! I have to write an essay on a book for the rest of spring Break so I might not be able to update this blog, but I'll be updating the subpages! Please go vote for me in TSF, you don't have to be a part of it or anything! I'd really appreciate it! I saw The Lord of the Rings today. It was a good movie! I'm surprised it's still in the movie theaters! I waited so long to see it. I didn't know if I would like it, and I did. I can't wait until the next ones come out! I better go do my vote exchanges, Bye!! Mar 10- I updated my site fight spirit page a lot today. I hope y'all like it! I woke up at 1 yesterday and I couldn't do much b/c I was busy for the rest of the day. Sorry about that! Today's church lesson was great! It was about spiritual gifts (speaking of spirit lol!) I learned where my weaknessess were and what I'm good at. My best quality was giving and service/helping. We took a little survey thingy, and that's how I found out. I can't believe I was accepted in the Site Fights! I'm so happy! It's not that hard to get in, but it's quite an accomplishment for myself! I would really love it if you voted for me! The link is down below where it says vote for me in Guenivere & Lancelot's Forest. Or, you can click right here! You can't vote on Sundays or Saturdays, so come back tomorrow!! I need to go now, so Bye!!! :o) Mar 9- YAY! I was approved for the Site Fights!! I can only stay on the internet for 5 min, so this was all I could write! Sorry! (Happy Spring Break!) :o) Mar 7- Please sign the guestbook! It's down below! I hope I get accepted into the Site Fights! I really want to win some awards. I made a spirit page yesterday, you can click the link to your right at the top to see it. It's really bad b/c I just started it, but oh well! I hope y'all had a nice day! I need to get off the computer now, but I'll talk more tomorrow b/c it's the start of...... SPRING BREAK!!! Mar 4- Hey everyone, Vote for me in Tara's Top Sites Thanks!!Today was a petty good day. I updated the weekly top ten b/c I forgot to yesterday. Hi Elise if you are reading this!!! I love this week's top ten. It took me a while to find a good one. It's very intresting. If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, look at the marquee below. It's the sleepiest animals! I love to sleep! I wish I could sleep a lot more, but school is crappy and starts at 7 :( Anyways, I gtg now, bye!! :o) March 3- Ok, this moving thing is SO annoying!! There is so much cleaning and boxes and painting and removing wood floors and a whole bunch of BORING things!! I can't wait until we move into our new house! I think I'm going to do a French-themed room. That would be so cool! Anyways, I have been updating my site just not writing it down here. I added some cute backgrounds to some subpages because they were too boring. Go see! I added some links also. I can't wait for Spring Break!!! No school for an entire week is the bast ever!! I'm not really doing much, just packing and hanging out w/friends. Well, I gtg in a little while, so I better update some things! Bye :o) Feb 26- Hey everybody!! I found a dancer clique!! Finally! You can visit it here. Yay! I hope I get accepted!! Ummm I really can't spend much time on the internet today because I have a Chemistry test tomorrow, but I'll update a few things!! I gtg work on it now, bye! :o) Finally you can look at my blog Plant a tree for FREE!Abolish slavery in Sudan Help Stop Hunger Layout MORE CONTENT! E-Mail me at ashleysbubble789@aol.com ![]() It's the Count of Monte Cristo!! I loved this movie! |